2013 Annual Patuxent Cleanup Results!

On April 6th and 13th, volunteers came together to remove trash and debris from the Patuxent River and its tributaries. In total 467 volunteers worked at 20 sites throughout the watershed to remove 26,680 lbs of trash and debris. Patuxent Riverkeeper would like to thank all of the volunteers who came out as well as The Izaak Walton League of America Wildlife Achievement Chapter, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, Channing Memorial Church, Sandy Spring Friends School, the City of Laurel, Woodland Grove Apartments, Maryland-National Capital Parks and Planning Commission, Chesapeake Paddlers Association, Anne Arundel County, Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary, Ferry Landing Woods Outdoor Club, Calvert County Department of Public Works, Solomons Island Heritage Tours, Patuxent River Seafood, Friends of Myrtle Point Park, and the Chesapeake Bay Trust for leading sites, helping with trash removal and providing funding that made the 2013 Annual Patuxent River Clean Up a huge success.

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