We . Protect

We . Serve

We . Celebrate

We . Are

A 501 (c) (3) non-profit. Tax ID 22-3878950


Our mission is to protect, conserve and replenish Maryland's longest and deepest intrastate waterway.

Through strategic advocacy, restoration and education our goal is long term sustainability for the ecosystem of the entire Patuxent River basin and the people who rely on its future.

Our Nottingham Visitors Center offers Kayak, Canoe & Equipment Rentals and coordinates community events.

While we are a grass roots community based non-profit, we are proud to be members of the Waterkeeper Alliance that advocates for the health and well being global waterways.  

Patuxent River Keeper is funded through grants and public donations. We accept tax deductible donations in any amount. 



We envision serving as the hub of a river oriented community. We offer  many programs and opportunities to get involved in stewardship of the Patuxent, from volunteering to political action, to exploring & enjoying time the river. 

Our recent program, the Patuxent Summer Mentoring Camp has been a great success to bring in young voices.  Our ongoing Patuxent Roughnecks and Annual Cleanup efforts remain a vital part of keeping the Patuxent clean for our community.  Learn more about our programs and volunteer opportunities!


The Patuxent Riverkeeper shop offers gear, rentals, and unique gifts for lovers of the Patuxent River and Chesapeake Bay.

Proceeds support Patuxent Riverkeeper's mission.



We often host celebrations and special programs at our Nottingham Center.  Check this space to see what is coming up next!


The Patuxent Riverkeeper

Established in 2004 by Fred Tutman, the grass roots movement of the Patuxent Riverkeeper spans seven counties in Maryland to advocate for and restore the Patuxent River.

Today the Patuxent is a study in contrasts with regions rich in history, wildlife and unforgettable scenic vistas to other areas with poisoned beaches, dead zones and hopelessly blocked and snagged upper tributaries. 

Once one of the most productive sources of shellfish in the world, the Patuxent has been deeply and negatively affected by negligent land use.   

And yet scientists have pointed to the incredible resilience of the ecosystem, its ability to heal itself if we humans can be compelled to mend our behavior toward the river and embrace responsible stewardship.



By NLewis | April 30, 2010

Patuxent Riverkeeper along with other coalition partners worked very hard in the General Assembly to defend the State Stormwater Regulations from an assault by the builder lobby. The business interests initially sought more explicit grandfathering for projects in the development pipeline as the May 4th deadline for implementing the new laws approached. Arguably this was…

Patuxent 2020 Report

By NLewis | March 26, 2010

The Patuxent 20/20 Report is an intensely researched strategic plan that reviewed publicly available documents, researched studies and consolidated the findings into a visionary implementation plan to protect the Patuxent and bring it back to health. Download it here: Patuxent 2020 Plan

Newsletter Archive

By NLewis | February 25, 2010

Here is a complete downloadable list of Patuxent Riverkeeper newsletters: First Newsletter September 2005 Newsletter November 2005 Newsletter December 2005 Newsletter March 2006 June 2006 July/August November/December January/February 2007 Fall 2007 Summer 2007 Winter 2008 Summer 2009 February 2010


By NLewis | February 25, 2010

38 BAY LEADERS CALL FOR RADICAL NEW ACTIONS TO RESTORE THE BAY FOR RELEASE: 12:00 noon, December 30, 2009 A consortium of senior Chesapeake Bay scientists, policy makers, and Bay advocates meeting in Annapolis called for an end to the politics of postponement and urged the Obama Administration and the Bay states to adopt 24…


By NLewis | February 14, 2010

COAL ASH WASTE CONCERNS TRIGGER LEGAL ACTION IN PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY: 4 MAJOR GROUPS TO SUE MIRANT FOR POLLUTION VIOLATIONS Investigation Reveals Toxic Pollution from Coal Ash Dump Near Wildlife Refuge WASHINGTON, D.C. – November 19, 2009 – Due to serious concerns about toxic pollution discharged from an unlined coal ash waste dump in suburban…

Waterkeepers Petition EPA to Protect Maryland Waterways

By NLewis | January 28, 2010

Environmental Groups Ask Federal Agency to Oversee Clean Water Act in the State Baltimore, MD — December 7, 2009 – Waterkeepers Chesapeake of Maryland and Waterkeeper Alliance (collectively "Waterkeepers") today filed a detailed, 58 page petition seeking major changes in the way Maryland operates and enforces the Clean Water Act in order to better protect…